Journey to Paradise publishes various informative articles that walk you through the human journey: birth, life, death, life in the grave, day of judgement and finally, Paradise or Hellfire.

The human journey to Paradise includes different phases: life, life in the grave, the Day of Judgement, Al-Sirat, and finally, Paradise or Hellfire. In between these phases, there are several stops or events: death, resurrection, the perfect scale, and the spring (Al-Hawdh). It is necessary to write about these phases of life, stops or events for several reasons. Firstly, there is a lack of literature in English and other languages that discuss such phases and events. Secondly, discussing such topics is motivational because it makes the final destination and the purpose of life clear.

Thirdly, knowledge on these topics increases our faith, repentance and closeness to Allah (SWT). It improves the quality of our worship (i.e. Prayer, Fasting, Charity, Pilgrimage, etc), and helps us be good citizens in the societies we live in. Fourthly, generations of raised Muslims, mainly in the West with lack of available Islamic-based authentic references, have plenty of questions about these unseen phases and events. Lastly, there is a necessity to have such material in English and other languages to be available as non-biased authentic sources of true information for interested seekers of knowledge in the community at large.

The series of articles on the human journey to Paradise will cover the aforementioned phases and events in detail, based on Islamic traditions and references using two authentic sources of information: (1) Quran, the Words of Allah (SWT) and (2) Narrations (Hadith) of the Prophet Mohammad (SAS). The series will include encyclopedia of thousands of Quran verses and hundreds of authentic narrations on each phase and event.

This encyclopedia will nurture the future in-depth research works by those interested in this domain. Due to the large number of verses and narrations in the various topics, I will only highlight the concluded remarks of each verse or narration to reduce the length of each article. This generates future opportunities of in-depth analogy in each topic.


This section includes links to published articles related to the Journey to Paradise phases and their description.


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